Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was recently castigated by evangelicals and other conservative Christians for saying that, according to his read of the Bible, life begins at first breath. But there was a time, not long ago, when that same belief was at the center of evangelical thought. How quickly the Bible can change.
As obstetrician-gynecologists who specialize in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, we want to reassure patients that permanent sexual dysfunction is not a known complication of a LEEP.
Trans advocates have forged our own paths and led efforts where there were none. The CDC needs to meet our experts on equal ground and acknowledge this divide that it too has been guilty of perpetuating.
Deputy Assistant Attorney General Hashim Mooppan argued at Monday's hearing that referrals for abortion are permitted under Trump's Title X rule if medically necessary. The purpose of the law, Mooppan said, is to ensure that abortion does not become a method of family planning.
It’s an exciting time for queer readers: Although we have a long way to go toward diversifying the publishing industry, more of our stories are being given space to be told.