Power Analysis: You Can Blame John Roberts for Our Country’s Legal Shitshow Imani Gandy If Donald Trump is playing king, Roberts is his court jester.
Power Federal Judges Are Trying to Put Out the Trump Administration’s Fires Natasha Roy But can they prevent scorched earth?
Power Republicans Walk Back Their Attacks on Disabled People… Sort Of Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo Conservative attorneys general in 17 states want to roll back disability protections. Seems bad!
Abortion Medication Abortion Gets Another Defender in Court Jessica Mason Pieklo Pharma companies understand these attacks are about more than mifepristone.
Parenthood Opinion: Trump’s Second Presidency Will Be Even Worse for Maternal Health Avital Norman Nathman What maternal health could look like in the next four years, and how we can push back.
Republicans Walk Back Their Attacks on Disabled People… Sort Of Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo Conservative attorneys general in 17 states want to roll back disability protections. Seems bad!
Power Measles and Ebola and the Flu, Oh My! Natasha Roy And how DOJ nominees advocated for bending the law.
Abortion Answering Your Burning Questions Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo We’re getting into the weeds of “personhood,” forcing people to serve the state’s interest, and more.
Abortion Surprise, Surprise—SCOTUS Gave Us One Good Piece of Abortion News Jessica Mason Pieklo The Court declined to take up a pair of cases that could have upended protections for abortion clinics.
Power Analysis: Student Worker Unions Are a Force for Reproductive Justice Ashlee Van Schyndel In the post-Roe era, student unions are increasingly helping student workers secure access to reproductive health care.
Power ASMR: Autocrat Spites Migrants Ruthlessly (Updated) Garnet Henderson & Cameron Oakes Plus, how RFK Jr. is already undermining childhood vaccination after promising he wouldn’t.
Power ‘Wellness Farms’ Could Soon Be Coming to a Town Near You Jessica Mason Pieklo & Imani Gandy And no, this isn’t a real-life version of Minecraft or FarmVille—it’s eugenics at work.
Power Conservatives Are Using Trans Issues To Wage War on Disability Jessica Mason Pieklo A Texas lawsuit seeking to limit trans rights could wipe out disability protections in public schools nationwide. That's always been the plan.
Power Screw SCOTUS. Higher Education Needs Racial Quotas. (Updated) Imani Gandy If the United States leaned into racial quotas instead of running screaming from them, we might have seen results like Brazil's.