Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, said the president has “once again put the fox in charge of the hen house” by appointing someone to a government agency who opposes the agency’s mission.
“You can’t build a health-care network and a safety net and a robust family planning program if you’re trying to contract with people who have never done the work before and who have no experience doing it."
The leaders and lawmakers of the anti-choice movement have created a cottage industry out of devising bogus claims and flawed research to advance their baseless policies.
Katy Talento, who spoke last week at CPAC, has pushed myths about contraception, including the false claim that hormonal contraceptives cause abortions, miscarriages, and reduced fertility.
Dr. Nicola Moore travels across the country to provide abortions at clinics where laws have made it nearly impossible to find providers in those areas. She has faced harassment and intimidation, but anti-choice threats haven't stopped her from helping to make abortion accessible. Listen to her story now on CHOICE/LESS.
When the smoke of human kindness with which anti-choice legislators, scientists, organizers, advocates, and allies have cloaked themselves begins to dissipate, all that is left is the rank disdain for women that drives their movement—a movement that is chock full of people who regard the truth as something to be bent to suit their purposes.
Irrespective of prior failures to use the Kermit Gosnell case to incite the public, the anti-choice movement is now trying again, with a docudrama titled Gosnell, ostensibly to be released in early 2017.
It's time for media elites, and most especially male media elites, to stop expounding on abortion unless and until they know what they are talking about.
"It's more than a little sad that this is what passes for health care. They're just making it up as they go along, and it's replacing actual clinics that were providing health care," Blake Rocap of NARAL Pro-Choice Texas said.
“HB 1948 is an assault on a woman's ability to make the decision that's best for her and her family, nothing more,” Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Mike Stack (D) wrote. “I was in those lawmakers' shoes several years ago, and I made the wrong decision. They have an opportunity to learn a lesson from my experience.”