Gov. McCrory’s claims to want to protect North Carolinians are not holding water if he and state Republicans continue to ignore policies that will keep all citizens safe and healthy and, instead, show support for legislation that would make it easier for people to access guns.
California already requires CPCs to post information about free or low-cost abortion care or contraception in their facilities. The proposed ordinance would penalize licensed and unlicensed "limited service pregnancy centers" for making untrue or misleading statements in ads, online, and in publications.
The suit accuses the federal government of paying millions to religious grantees that refuse to provide unaccompanied minors with legally required reproductive health services.
The draft version of "A Woman's Right to Know" was published online Tuesday, just a day after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled two provisions of the state’s omnibus anti-choice law are unconstitutional.
“Republicans don’t want to treat Zika as an emergency and they don’t want to expand access to birth control," Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) said in a statement. "It begs the question: Will they be willing to pay the costs associated with every child born in this country with Zika-related birth defects?”
The Supreme Court on Tuesday turned away requests from attorneys in Wisconsin and Mississippi to overturn decisions blocking abortion restrictions nearly identical to those ruled unconstitutional by the Court on Monday.
For all 29 years of my life, the right to abortion has been under attack. In early March, I slept at the Supreme Court overnight, waiting for oral arguments, and had time to reflect on the experiences that have made me an advocate.
Heather Busby, executive director NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, told Rewire in a phone interview that while the Supreme Court’s decision is a victory for reproductive rights, the damage to reproductive health care in Texas cannot be easily undone.
Yes, the U.S. Supreme Court announced a victory for abortion access in Texas—and around the country. But it's going to take time to unravel the effects of anti-choice organizing in the state, where abortion opponents have poured resources into HB 2 and have made it hard for physicians to get abortion-care training.