“Trump’s global and domestic gag rules show no matter what side of the U.S. border you reside, no one is outside the reach of this administration’s brutal attacks on health and rights."
As we enter into Pride month under a particularly tyrannical administration, only by acknowledging not only our existence, but the centuries of our resistance to the white, heterosexist, gender binary, will we move closer to the decolonization of Turtle Island and completion of the circle our ancestors began for us.
The Town of Greece v. Galloway decision in 2014—also written by Justice Kennedy—upheld a town’s practice of holding legislative prayer during public meetings, even though these prayers were uniformly Christian. Where was neutrality on religion then?
What I would ultimately love to see, and hope to see in my lifetime, is a culture change where cases like this never arise and, if they do, are thrown out.
By refusing to answer to what extent religious beliefs can be invoked to avoid complying with civil rights laws, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority decision leaves that question to a future, and likely more conservative, Supreme Court to answer.
An oral contraceptive maker has a recall, scientists warn about a virus billed as HIV's less-aggressive cousin, and what smell sensitivity has to do with your sex life.
A petition filed this week with the Court asks the justices to decide once and for all if Title VII covers claims of sexual orientation discrimination.
"The broader context of his story illustrates the invisibility of Black LGBTQ immigrants in detention and in the anti-deportation movement, and there is erasure of the needs of Afro Latinx communities."