For the last four years, the Big Ocean Women have focused on bringing maternal feminism to the United Nations, aiming to advance a "family rights" agenda that leaves LGBTQ people out.
So are teachers going to be reporting transgender children, girls with short haircuts, students who want gender-neutral anything, or your average nonconformist teen to their parents?
Kavanaugh's record shows no indication that he will decide cases involving discrimination against LGBTQ people fairly, nor that he will uphold our nation's core principles of equality and freedom for all.
A spokesperson for Nixon’s campaign told Rewire.News in an email that the executive order is nearly identical to a similar bill the governor signed 18 months prior.
"The thing most of us have been talking about is to encourage the use of medical technology, the morning-after pills and very good new drugs. There are already very interesting groups of women my age feeling we could take the risk of loading up our vans to take road trips and give them out at churches."
When you go to the doctor's office because you have a cough, you don't need a note from a psychiatrist to get an inhaler. Proponents of the informed consent model say this is how transition services, such as hormone replacement therapy, should be provided too.
South Carolina became the tenth state to allow publicly funded adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples and other prospective parents based on the agency's religious beliefs.
The lawsuit alleges that the University of Notre Dame improperly entered into a settlement agreement with the U.S. government that permits the school to deny its students, faculty, and staff contraceptive coverage, regardless of the rules of the ACA's birth control benefit.