Given that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and organizations like the Catholic Health Association play a critical role in American politics, the question becomes: for how much longer are we going to permit religion to have a priority place in our political discourse over the health and safety of American women?
This week begins the major UN Rio+20 “Earth Summit,” and I’ll be covering women and reproductive health (RH) issues as relate to the official UN proceedings, the NGO perspectives, and global south women’s personal stories on how Rio+20 touches their lives.
Heeding the numerous studies that note that emergency contraception shows no eveidence of working by impeding implantation of a fertilized egg, the FDA has changed the online drug description.
Evidence that emergency contraception is just that -- contraception -- has prompted agencies to change the labeling of the drug to underscore that EC prevents fertilization. But the strategy of anti-choicers on EC is the same-old same old: They keep blurring the lines between contraception and abortion.
Lindsay Beyerstein tells us about an under-discussed threat to women's health. Regulations on emergency contraception keep it out of the hands of people who have a legal right to it. A new study shows that the IUD is even better than you thought.
Lindsay Beyerstein tells us about a under-discussed threat to women's health. Regulations on emergency contraception keep it out of the hands of people who have a legal right to it. A new study shows that the IUD is even better than you thought.
For years, even those in the public heath community paid little attention to gonorrhea because it was easy to prevent, easy to screen for, and easy to treat—at least it was until now. Gonorrhea is caused by wily bacteria that has become resistant to all-but-one class of antibiotics and we don't have any others to throw at it. It's time to take start taking notice.