We are all like Sanders and other conservative white evangelicals insofar as we all have confirmation bias, making it difficult for us to accept evidence contrary to what we already believe, but the history and faith practices of white evangelicals offer an additional set of tools of belief.
Black women are more likely to be employed in public-sector jobs than both white women and Black men, while making 60 cents to the dollar of white men.
This view of government did not spring into existence with this administration or with the Truth Project—Focus users have been learning it for decades.
Credible allegations of bias toward Catholicism have been recently made against Religion News Service. It's hard to read a recent regurgitation by Cardinal Dolan of the Bishop's position on reproductive rights as anything other than confirmation of those allegations.
Even though Hindu scriptures embrace queerness and gender fluidity, Hindu temples have generally been reluctant to wade into discussions about sexuality.
When Sessions invokes Romans 13 he's reading the Bible through his white, patriarchal, confederate Christianity that marshaled the same argument using the same passage to defend slavery on the grounds that it was both biblical and lawful.