Despite reporting favorable feelings about African Americans, a recent survey also reveals that white evangelicals have deeply troubling views on who and what the problem is.
History reminds us again and again that it's always been easier to believe in miracles, in virgin births and atoning deaths, than something so simple and basic as human solidarity.
I strongly suspect that what Senator Orrin Hatch found so objectionable about the Kavanaugh hearing was that women were allowed to ask questions of a man.
Both the sweeping religious liberty claims defended by Kavanaugh and the assertions of his defenders come from the same place: a desire to reassert traditional, patriarchal sexual mores.
Central to victim shaming is the narrative that there are fundamentally good men who never cross the line but for the slutty behavior of irresponsible women and girls.
The problem, he writes, is that he “misjudged how she would take [his] sense of humor.” Really? Does he normally get a good response to asking women he’s just met to pretend they’re prostitutes?