The point lawmakers want to make is this: Laws that attack men's reproductive freedom are seen as overstepping and unreasonable, but restrictions on women's reproductive health care are commonplace.
The Population Institute attributes the country's first failing grade to Title X restrictions, the appointment of federal judges, and cutting evidence-based sexuality education.
"Black people historically didn’t have access to health care within the context of institutional care. There were midwives and healers within the communities, and that was their source of strength."
Some state legislators are threatening to derail bipartisan efforts to expand Medicaid to 150,000 uninsured Kansans unless an anti-abortion constitutional amendment is approved.
With Heartbeat International’s uncovered manipulations, the organization is paving the way for the marketing of deceit, threatening access to abortion care around the world.
Black women are two to three times more likely to get fibroids than our white female counterparts. We are also more likely to experience implicit bias and be disempowered by our health-care system.