Part of the blame for the reluctance to report sexual crimes in the military rests with an unsympathetic military chaplaincy, one of the few places soldiers, sailors, reservists, national guardians, and marines can turn for counseling.
If South Dakota provides us with any indication, it looks like 2012 will most likely be a sad repeat of 2011. Just one state among many that contributed to the drastic and unprecedented increase in abortion provisions attempted and enacted at the state level during 2011. Another state clamoring for the chance to regulate, harass and restrict abortion out of extinction within its borders.
How long will it take for women to be free to control their own bodies? How long will it take before government backs out of bedrooms? How long will it take before women rise up and fight the assaults on their freedoms? History and 2011's increase in reproductive restrictions do not present reassuring answers to these questions.
When talking about bringing the number of cervical cancer deaths to zero, it is crucial not to forget about LGBTQ people’s distinct experiences accessing health care.
The battle in Los Angeles over whether porn stars should be required to use condoms is heating up again as an AIDS activist group started collecting signatures last week for a new ballot initiative. If it gets on the ballot, the voters of Los Angeles County may get to decide how much latex we see in adult films.
Maryland's Family Planning Works Act, which makes Medicaid-funded birth control, testing for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screenings, and other essential services accessible to an additional 33,000 low- and moderate-income women in the states, went into effect today.