Rick and Karen Santorum: Strangers to the Truth, Promoters of Theocracy
Rick and Karen Santorum seek a transmogrification of democracy in the USA in favor of a theocracy.

Rick Santorum’s parental family lives in Italy. They are not the strong capitalists that Santorum makes himself out to be. Santorum’s family members in Italy are dedicated communists. As the Italian weekly magazine, Oggi points out:
“In Riva del Garda [a community of ultraliberals that support gay rights, abortion, birth control, and liberal causes; the family frequently had “high ranking” communists into their home] his grandfather Pietro and uncles were ‘red communists’ to the core,” Oggi: No. 36. “Chi è Santorum, il candidato americano che sfida Obama” di [by] Giuseppe Fumagalli.
Karen Santorum (née Garver) proclaims herself pro-life and eschews women who live with men “out-of-wedlock,” an injunction Rick claims is Biblical. But as a nursing student at Duquesne University, Karen Santorum lived with Tom Allen, an obstetrician-gynecologist (ob-gyn) who was 40 years her senior (she was 20 and the doctor 60 years of age). Allen had in fact delivered Karen as a baby. He was also a co-founder of Pittsburgh’s first abortion clinic. At the time that she had the sexual affair with Allen, Karen Garver (Santorum) was pro-choice. When she met Rick Santorum, she was eager and delighted to tell Dr. Allen that Rick Santorum was pro-choice. As Dr. Allen told a Pennsylvania newspaper in 2005 (see Philadelphia Citypaper):
“When she moved out to go be with Rick, she told me I’d like him, that he was pro-choice and a humanist,” said Allen, an elderly but vibrant man, during a brief conversation on the porch of his Pittsburgh row home. “But I don’t think there’s a humanist bone in that man’s body.”
The Santorums condemn Hillary Clinton’s book It Takes A Village as being “anti-family.” In response to Clinton’s book, Rick wrote It Takes A Family: Conservatism and the Common Good (449 pages). On page 138 Santorum wrote:
“The notion that college education is a cost-effective way to help poor, low-skill, unmarried mothers with high school diplomas or GEDs move up the economic ladder is just wrong.”
Or page 386:
“It’s amazing that so many kids turn out to be fairly normal, considering the weird socialization they get in public schools.” At one point, he accuses feminists of hating women, yet in speeches he claims that feminists are lesbians.
The Santorums argue that the parents must protect their children from any dissettlements that could jeopardize the childrens mental health. However, the Santorums took home a 20-week-old dead fetus for their children to play with and kiss, before they buried Gabriel the next day.
Rick promises to repeal all federal funding for contraceptives. He is against all forms of birth control, and has added to the world’s burgeoning population an addition four boys and three girls (Karen was one of 12). At the same time he refuses to allow the federal government to assist the poor and diminishing middle class which cannot afford contraceptives and have numerous children who depend on federal funding for food, shelter, energy, and education.
Objecting to secular (state-operated) education, he and his wife began home schooling–and took $70,000 from the State of Pennsylvania and the Penn Hills School District as required by local and state law. The School District requested most of the money be returned after Rick reported while electioneering that he spent only approximately 30 days in his district and had bought a house in Virginia, Santorum objected. When the Pittsburgh Gazette-Post protested this abuse of state money, Santorum declared, without substantiation, that he had attempted to have his home owners exemption nullified.
While there is no proof that Santorum is a member of the nefarious far-right organization Opus Dei, he did bring then-U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) to an Opus Dei priest for conversion from Protestant evangelicalism to Roman Catholicism, the religion of Josemaria Escrivá who endorsed the terrorism and bloodshed of Spain’s dictator Francisco Franco, as seen in his May 28, 1953, letter that reads:
Although alien to any political activity, I cannot help but rejoice as a priest and Spaniard that the Chief of State’s authoritative voice should proclaim that, ‘The Spanish nation considers it a badge of honor to accept the law of God according to the one and true doctrine of the Holy Catholic Church, inseparable faith of the national conscience which will inspire its legislation.
Santorum argues against any separation of church and state, claiming that the USA was founded as a Christian nation–even though only five of the original Congress declared themselves as Christians. Following Gingrich, who proclaims himself an historian, Santorum seeks to win the Jewish vote by claiming, on November 11, 2011, that “All the people that [sic: who] live in the West Bank are Israelis. They are not Palestinians. There is no Palestinian. This is Israeli land.” (Watch here and read here The Jewish Week.)
Many Israeli Jews and Jews of other nationalities support the two State solution based on a UN resolution. Santorum’s statement mirrors the views of the Christian Zionists who as Hank Hanegraaff said “defend ethnic cleansing as a divine command” and are “bent on ensuring that the horrors of Armageddon become a self-fulfilling prophecy” (Hanegraaff, Hank (2007). The Apocalypse Code: Find out what the Bible really says about the end-times and why it matters today. Nashville, TN, USA: Thomas Nelson, p. 167; a Spanish edition was published by Thomas Nelson in 2008).
A further indication of the weakness in Santorum’s education is his proclamation:
“The idea that the Crusades and the fight of Christendom against Islam is somehow an aggression on our part is absolutely anti-historical. And that is what the perception is by the American Left who hates Christendom. … ”
He obviously has not read Robert the Monk’s transcription of Urban II’s speech at Claremont in 1095 calling for a holy war against Islam (the First Crusade).
Not only is Santorum against Palestinians and Muslims, he is also the sworn enemy of members of the LDS Mormons. He wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer on December 20, 2007:
“Would the potential attraction to Mormonism by simply having a Mormon in the White House threaten traditional Christianity by leading more Americans to a church that some Christians believe misleadingly calls itself Christian, is an active missionary church, and a dangerous cult?”
He argues that homosexuality is a sin, but that priests and bishops (especially Weakland) within the Roman Catholic Church were betrayed by “liberals”–especially in Massachusetts. His knowledge of Jesus of the New Testament is elementary–lacking any study of Greek, Coptic, Latin or other language that details the story–he relies only on bad English translations. To make matters worse, he condemns the LGBT community even though the word homosexual does not appear in the language (any) before the end of the nineteenth century and is not used anywhere in the Bible.
Rick and Karen Santorum seek a transmogrification of democracy in the USA in favor of a theocracy.