The prochoice movement is focusing on the fact that Arizona's new abortion bill measures pregnancy from a woman's last menstrual period. However, this is not inaccurate; instead we should be focusing on the aspects that will directly impact abortion access.
The official line from anti-choicers about "life" is slipping away more frequently, and the reality---that it's all about controlling women's sexuality---comes out more often. Even at an official "pro-life" event at the RNC, ugly sexism can't be contained.
Republicans don't want the "war on women" narrative to take hold, but can't seem to stop it. Doctor Nerdlove stops in to talk about geeks, sex, and dating.
While laws may not be sufficient on their own -- laws never mean much without the advocates who ensure their enforcement -- they are a necessary step in improving the labor conditions of domestic workers.
Now that we’ve had a month to celebrate the triumph of No Copay Day, it is important to look forward and carefully consider what comes next on the advocacy agenda for effective implementation of the ACA’s reproductive health measures.