After the owner of a wedding hall was caught on tape refusing an interracial couple "because of our Christian race," questions are resurfacing about the possibility that anti-LGBTQ "religious exemptions" might be paving the way for legalized racial discrimination.
Family planning officials in states with anti-choice restrictions see the new Title X rules as yet another barrier to health care for people with low incomes.
The notion that medication abortion can be reversed has been gathering steam over the last several years, even though there is not a shred of scientific evidence to suggest that abortion reversal is possible.
Republican lawmakers still hope to gather enough signatures to force a vote on anti-abortion legislation in the House, despite the chamber's pro-choice majority.
David Daleiden faces prison time if a judge greenlights a jury trial based on the footage from his 2015 propaganda videos targeting Planned Parenthood.
Homophobia, misogyny, and contempt for the poor are so very much taken for granted and accepted as "Christian" within The Family that its principals are able to say, with a perfectly straight face, that they have no political agenda when they support and subsidize authoritarian leaders around the world who exemplify and implement these hatreds.