"We will be funding the original grantees for the next year under the previous criteria [set by the Obama administration]," a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told the Hill.
Taking all of the facts in the case as true, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled on Tuesday that an on-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent violated the Fourth Amendment rights of a 16-year-old boy, whom the agent gunned down.
"They thought this letter that has no legal standing would scare us into hiding. It's going to take more than that," explained Phillip Agnew, co-director of the Dream Defenders.
Women turn to environmental activism later in life due to health concerns, deep community investments, and, according to 75-year-old Peggy Gish, because they have "more freedom to get around, to have time—to get arrested!”
“We have failed to reach communities of color with services that we know have worked for a broader population, especially for Caucasians, especially for people of higher income."
Rather than sign a repeal of the state's welfare family cap into law, the governor sent that piece of the budget back to the legislature with a stipulation that would cut an estimated 5,200 children with disabled parents off of welfare completely and reduce benefits for another 2,100.