While witnesses on both sides of the issue claimed to be in favor of protecting women’s health, anti-choice witnesses relied heavily on debunked science and distorted interpretations of the bill to make many of their claims.
Doctors were devastated to announce last week that their patient, an almost 4-year-old girl was once thought "cured" of HIV, was found to have detectable viral loads and lowered T-cell counts.
Despite the work I do, I've been contributing to abortion stigma by not always speaking plainly about the work that I do. I've been afraid of starting arguments, of offending friends and family members, of ostracizing myself as the abortion lady. A few months ago, I decided to change that.
Increasing access to health insurance should not come at the expense of exploiting young and poor Americans. We need additional federal health insurance options that are supported by public officials who care about the health and prosperity of their constituents.
The law specifically criminalizes “the illegal use of a narcotic drug while pregnant, if [a woman's] child is born addicted to or harmed by the narcotic drug.” But Mallory Loyola was arrested Tuesday for exposing her child to amphetamine, which is not a narcotic.
Women’s empowerment is key to Clinton’s vision of progress, and she is forthright in supporting women’s human rights. As such, it's curious that the book fails to address, among other things, maternal mortality, abortion, contraception, or the reproductive havoc caused by modern warfare.
Advocates for 30-year-old Jessica De Samito, who is 24 weeks pregnant, say a Texas county jail is withholding the methadone treatment she needs to sustain her pregnancy.