Andrea Lynch recently returned from a year working on reproductive health issues in Nicaragua and has unique perspective on TIME Magazine's extensive look at abortion laws in Latin America.
This year's Supreme Court decision on late term abortions adversely impacts women's health but some are advocating doctors assume more risk in the face of a bad ruling.
Marcy Bloom shares stories from her experience in Birmingham, Alabama -- including Emily Lyons' perspective and highlighting the different groups who came together to protect women.
Last month the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled in favor of "pro-life" protesters in a ruling that also had the support of the regional Planned Parenthood, as part of a fight for First Amendment Rights.
12,000 more Iowa GOP voters were expected than showed for the Straw Poll - a rejection of the field? Does the low turnout and surprising finish of Gov. Mike Huckabee signal an end to a generation of strident anti-abortion politics?
Rewire's ace Iowa analyst, Lynda Waddington of Iowa Independent, previews this weekend's money-driven GOP straw poll and what it might mean for social conservatives.
Colorado reproductive health and rights activists filed motions with that state's Supreme Court yesterday to stop a ballot initiative defining a fertilized egg as a person with legal rights.
Increased international exposure of sex selective abortions in India is leading the first female president to pledge reform. Will this be any different than laws already on the books, or just more control over women's lives?
Gender bias has infiltrated the debate over the Human Papillomavirus vaccine and anxiety surrounding s-e-x may be preventing American citizens from obtaining needed healthcare.