Lifelines: Finding Connections with Women Worldwide

This week Americans for UNFPA launches Lifelines, a new online community. We ask women all over the world to share their stories and then compare them with the stories of others. We believe it is these shared experiences that engage people in these global challenges, create lasting relationships and lead people to action.

New Understanding of Adolescent Parenting

Having a child as a teenager is undeniably difficult, and providing women with the tools to avoid or delay pregnancy until they feel ready is a worthy policy goal. But when adolescent pregnancy is not prevented, how far are we willing to go to help our young mothers?

Anti-Choice Lingo Decoded

Amanda decodes a sampling of some of the common jargon of the anti-choice movement -- an essential starting point for those scanning the mainstream media for signs of encroaching wingnuttery.

Reproductive Control in Teen Relationships

Studies have shown teen pregnancy to be strongly linked to intimate partner violence. But attempts to control don't stop there. A recent UC-Davis study finds that abusive teen boys may actively try to get their partners pregnant.

Shaping The Future

Where do we go from here? Young people at Women Deliver may have offered the most revolutionary road map for reducing maternal mortality rates and effecting global change.

Global Commitment to Safe Motherhood

Rupert reports from Women Deliver on the needs of a Sudanese midwife, the UK's multi-million dollar investment and what the future holds for improving maternal mortality. Also, don't miss the voices of youth from Women Deliver in our special series!