Like most progressive activists, I viewed the results of the November 7, 2006 election with joy. Finally the issue of comprehensive sex education would be under the control of elected officials whom I trusted. Well, guess what? Nothing changed.
Clinton and Obama engage abortion issue in heated New Hampshire primary, but neither demonstrates vision or experience by using the issue simply to score political points.
Amanda reviews the year in movies about pregnancy, interviews reproductive rights activist Krista Jacobs, and mocks the big business of selling guys pick-up artist tips. Also, a short examination of conservatives who equate homosexuality with pedophilia.
Here in Canada there are a number of issues that are going to come up in the new year in regards to sexual and reproductive health and rights -- perhaps most prominently, the Unborn Victims of Violence Bill.
At the dawn of a new year, women around the world still rely on crucial funds from UNFPA for health care and family planning. But our current administration continues to withhold the money.
Does the film "Juno" suggest that teen pregnancy is not the national scourge it's made out to be? Yes, but underneath, the film is an suburban fairy tale.
For this to be the political year of the woman, candidates are going to have to become serious about courting women by speaking in detail about their core issues of concern. But as any good campaign strategist will tell you, details do not a good sound bite make.