
Roundup: DC Mayor Arrested Protesting Budget Riders

DC mayor arrested protesting abortion rider; birth control also too controversial for Florida legislature; Pennsylvania moves towards TRAP laws in response to Gosnell; UK gay men can donate blood but only if they're celibate; and how forced pregnancy solves our budget woes.

What Is And Isn’t Abortion: A Primer

The press continues to label funding for contraception, STD testing, and cancer screening as "abortion funding". Obviously, there's a lot of confusion over what is an abortion. This primer should help clear things up.

New York City Reins In ‘Crisis Pregnancy Centers’

Earlier this month, the New York City Council passed a bill which requires limited service pregnancy centers, also known as crisis pregnancy centers, to disclose the services they do and don't provide. These centers which are not health care facilities, have a history of lying to women and disseminating misinformation in service to their anti-abortion agenda.