What is Rick Santorum’s Position on Abortion? Does Facebook have an Anti-Choice Agenda? Censorship of Information on Misoprostol Raises Questions Jessica Griffin Facebook has deleted an image from the page of Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, a well-known abortion rights activist and the Director of Women on Waves – a charitable organization focused on women’s health and human rights. The image consisted of text instructions of how to safely induce an abortion using medication. Ohio AG Approves “Personhood” Amendment Language Robin Marty Attorney General Mike DeWine approves the ballot language, calling it "fair and truthful." Kansas Anti-Choicers Want to “Shore Up” Abortion Restrictions in 2012 Robin Marty The state may stay away from obviously unconstitutional abortion bans, but that won't stop them from proposing new restrictions in the next session. Why the Iowa Caucus Is About Abortion Amanda Marcotte If you understand the role that hostility to women's rights plays in Iowa, you understand why the Iowa caucus comes down to a contest of lying about abortion, and why it may not really matter that much for the eventual nomination. Not Wanting To Tell Parents Can No Longer Be Used As Excuse to Turn Down Judical Bypass In Pennsylvania Robin Marty The state Supreme Court rules that a judge may have misused his authority in denying a request to bypass parental notification rules. Anti-Choice Remind Us Once Again That Parental Consent Goes Only One Way Robin Marty The case of a young teen girl in Texas is another example of how parental involvement only matter when an underage girl wants to terminate a pregnancy, not continue one. Ron Paul Cares About You — If You’re Having a Baby Nevada Judge Strikes Down Second Egg-as-Person Ballot Initiative in One Week Jodi Jacobson A Nevada judge has ruled to immediately dismiss the second of two "egg-as-person" ballot initiatives because he has determined it to be vague and misleading. Would the Fourth Time Be the Charm for a Parental Notification Law in California? Robin Marty If at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again.
Ohio AG Approves “Personhood” Amendment Language Robin Marty Attorney General Mike DeWine approves the ballot language, calling it "fair and truthful."
Kansas Anti-Choicers Want to “Shore Up” Abortion Restrictions in 2012 Robin Marty The state may stay away from obviously unconstitutional abortion bans, but that won't stop them from proposing new restrictions in the next session.
Why the Iowa Caucus Is About Abortion Amanda Marcotte If you understand the role that hostility to women's rights plays in Iowa, you understand why the Iowa caucus comes down to a contest of lying about abortion, and why it may not really matter that much for the eventual nomination.
Not Wanting To Tell Parents Can No Longer Be Used As Excuse to Turn Down Judical Bypass In Pennsylvania Robin Marty The state Supreme Court rules that a judge may have misused his authority in denying a request to bypass parental notification rules.
Anti-Choice Remind Us Once Again That Parental Consent Goes Only One Way Robin Marty The case of a young teen girl in Texas is another example of how parental involvement only matter when an underage girl wants to terminate a pregnancy, not continue one.
Nevada Judge Strikes Down Second Egg-as-Person Ballot Initiative in One Week Jodi Jacobson A Nevada judge has ruled to immediately dismiss the second of two "egg-as-person" ballot initiatives because he has determined it to be vague and misleading.
Would the Fourth Time Be the Charm for a Parental Notification Law in California? Robin Marty If at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again.