Anti-choice lawmakers in Wisconsin, nearly done tussling over the yearly budget, are now turning their attention back to reproductive rights restrictions.
Mississippi hasn't had much red meat to offer anti-choice activists this year when it comes to legislative victories, so the Republican governor is taking his wins where he can.
Lost in a netherworld where it is less than a state and something other than a city, the District of Columbia is being used by right-wingers in Congress as a battleground on reproductive justice and much more.
If we have a cheap and readily available drug that can prevent and treat the two largest causes of maternal mortality worldwide—postpartum hemorrhage and unsafe abortion—why have we not taken more advantage of it?
The brutal truth is this: The people who are concerned with the abortion rate in the Black community are the reason that the abortion rate in the Black community is so high.
A decision to let stand a federal appeals court ruling that Indiana can't defund Planned Parenthood is good news, but it isn't necessarily a signal from the Roberts court that the issue is over.