Ohio legislators are proposing extreme abortion restrictions, even as amendments tacked onto the state budget are under consideration by the house and the senate.
The day after Rep. Trent Franks pulled a Todd Akin, senators speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference breathed barely a word about abortion—and not a peep about contraception.
The SBA List recently announced a new national campaign to elect women who oppose abortion, showing how much the group's mission has shifted over the past several years from electing "pro-life" women to supporting many anti-choice men.
A fight in Kansas over the future of the state judicial system shows anti-choice conservatives want control at every level of government and will stop at nothing to get it.
Trent Franks' federal 20-week abortion ban is a dangerous piece of legislation, based on false and completely disproven assertions about "evidence" of fetal pain. Yet many media outlets are assisting in perpetuating these lies.
After a legislative session hailed for its supposed "compromise" on abortion, Texas Republicans have taken the first opportunity to force through an omnibus anti-choice bill that contains the worst of this year's proposed abortion restrictions.
The GOP bill would ban all abortions after 20 weeks, irrespective of the circumstances faced by women and their families, and removing medical decisions from the hands of women and their doctors.
Already accused by bill opponents of fast-tracking the restrictions, Republican senators called for an immediate vote on SB 206 Wednesday, shutting down any chance of full senate debate over the provisions or their impact. It's now likely on its way to becoming law.
Despite what Live Action suggests, not all men are against abortion—many think it is a complicated issue and support their partners in their decision-making.