Democrats have been increasingly proactive in attacks on the Hyde Amendment. The 2016 Democratic Party platform, for the first time, calls for repealing Hyde, though the process for undoing the yearly federal appropriations rider remains unclear.
As indigenous women, we deserve a future free from fears of our tap water, a future where we are free to raise our families the best way we know how on our ancestral land.
The so-called Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives plans to recommend that the U.S. House of Representatives pursue the charges against StemExpress and the California-based company’s CEO, Cate Dyer.
Simply put, Hyde is a bad policy and leads to poor health outcomes, especially for women of color and people who are struggling to make ends meet. Here's an explanation of the emotional and cultural effect Hyde has had over the last 40 years.
NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Executive Director Kellie Copeland said many Ohio residents have traveled to Michigan for abortion care in the aftermath of the GOP-led legislature's anti-choice push.
“This lawsuit aims to undermine critical protections against discrimination in health care. No one—whether they’re male or female, transgender or not—should fear being turned away at the hospital door because of who they are,” Louise Melling, deputy legal director at the ACLU, said in a statement.
What do lawyers' fees have to do with you? Your taxpayer dollars are footing the bills to defend myriad laws chipping away at various rights. So pay attention.
One in six hospital beds nationwide is in a hospital that follows Catholic directives. In Illinois, that number is closer to one in three. In some states, more than 40 percent of hospital beds are in facilities operating under Catholic restrictions.
Trump’s letter outlined the anti-choice policies he is “committed to," including nominating “pro-life justices” to the Supreme Court and signing into law the medically and scientifically dubious “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” in order to enact a nationwide ban on later abortions.
A House Republican's "dismemberment abortion" ban relies on junk science about fetal pain. He equated the common abortion care procedure with “violence against children.”