Hardline religious imposition activists in the Trump administration "could eviscerate the delivery of high-quality family planning services and supplies."
The GOP bill "would codify into law fake clinics that oppose abortion and judge, shame, and intentionally try to trick women out of getting the care they are seeking."
A group of women graduate students in Texas knew not getting pregnant was key to getting their education. When they started a network to help women get birth control via a public phone, they unleashed something even bigger.
Women of color bear the brunt of Catholic hospital restrictions on abortion, sterilization, contraception, gender-affirming procedures, and other care under religious directives.
"This decision—not so coincidentally timed around the March for Life—is a cheap attempt by President Trump to pander to ultraconservative special interests that got him into power."
From limiting abortion access to destabilizing the family planning safety net, Trump and social conservatives did considerable harm while also signaling their intentions for further attacks in the years ahead.
“When you’re telling [doctors] they need to provide [abortions] a certain way but not telling them how, it’s going to scare them away from providing care at all."