Many of the questions answered in the Congressional Research Service's report speak directly to talking points used by anti-choice lawmakers to demonize later abortion care.
The government regularly uses our tax contributions to fund the deportation or incarceration of our family members and to pass laws making health care more difficult to access.
Dr. George Delgado, a leading proponent of the controversial treatment to "reverse" a medication abortion, sat down with Rewire.News for a wide-ranging interview on consent and a new case series that details patients who have received the regimen.
“We need Democrats that are accountable to voters, not corporate donors. This is not a time to settle. To sit on the sidelines. To stand down. This is a time to fight."
While reading the guide, I found myself wishing that I had possessed this book not only when I had been in my teens and first sexually active, but also as a mother.
Imelda Isabel Cortez Palacios is just one of dozens of women in El Salvador who have been imprisoned following birth complications or miscarriages. But her case has taken on greater significance because at the hospital, she informed health professionals that her stepfather had raped her repeatedly between the ages of 12 and 19.
The Trump administration continued its regulatory war on the Affordable Care Act by expanding “hardship exemptions” to the law’s individual mandate for people who claim to object to abortion rights.