“What happened at the fundraiser triggered post traumatic stress disorder symptoms because the perpetrators were people on my side who I am not supposed to be fighting."
The full panel of Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals judges will consider the constitutionality of an Ohio law that tries to strip Planned Parenthood of state funding.
A federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Indiana argues many of the state's abortion laws are unconstitutional, in the latest test of the strength of the abortion rights win in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt.
Planned Parenthood says the law, which forces doctors providing medication abortion to contract with another doctor who has admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, would force it to stop providing medication abortion at two Arkansas clinics.
Our history is marred by examples of contraceptive coercion. Family planning programs and research can counter that history by changing how we define our goals and success.
A panel of federal judges on Monday dismissed a case challenging a Wisconsin law that allows for the involuntarily detention and treatment of pregnant people, while the fetus gets legal representation.
Attorney General Adam Laxalt suggested that, if elected governor, he'd take aim at a voter referendum that protects the right to abortion. Now his campaign says he has "zero interest" in doing just that.