In the wake of a new apology from a mental health organization, Dr. Kenneth Zucker has repeated his claims that the decision to close his gender identity clinic was political rather than based on research.
The Human Rights Campaign has tracked 128 transgender victims of fatal violence since January 2013; at least 110 of these were transgender people of color.
New recommendations issued by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force advise health-care providers to screen patients for intimate partner violence, and to refer them to counseling and support services.
In focusing on a pastoral response, the GC2 Summit risks replicating many of the same issues of insularity that created the need for #ChurchToo in the first place.
Attorneys general can make a real difference, particularly if they are willing to consistently bring lawsuits against the presidential agenda both to protect their state and the country as a whole.
The city is challenging a Catholic group's claim they can discriminate against same-sex couples in adoption, and the U.S. Supreme Court says that age discrimination won't fly in government workplaces.