This article is part two in a series on facts and realities of teen sexual behavior in the United States. Here, we take an even closer look at what the data in a recent report is telling us about teen sexual behavior.
DC mayor arrested protesting abortion rider; birth control also too controversial for Florida legislature; Pennsylvania moves towards TRAP laws in response to Gosnell; UK gay men can donate blood but only if they're celibate; and how forced pregnancy solves our budget woes.
Three topics -- insurance coverage of abortion, restriction of abortion after a specific point in gestation and ultrasound requirements -- are topping the agenda in several states.
FDA rejects age extension on Gardasil; DC no longer permitted to make own abortion decisions; medical records of family planning patients stolen; adoption law struck down in Arkansas; and ScarJo stands with Planned Parenthood.
Miracles are not free. They cost eight cents a day, the average cost to each American citizen for the UScontribution to saving lives among the world’s poorest, about one-fifth of one percent of the US government budget. Some people say eight cents is too much.
It’s rare that my MSM patients know which STDs they ought to be screened for, and how often. Men who have sex with men don’t get screened often enough for diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea, and HIV.