Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Republican disinformation campaign in its attack on women's health services.
Kenya could get condom manufacturing plant, Santorum announces exploratory committee, Indiana won't require women to hear breast cancer lies before an abortion, and Philadelphia's teen condom campaign causes controversy.
Last week the fate of the entire federal government revolved around birth control. Yes, birth control. Analysis of the ongoing war against women being waged in Congress and in state legislatures nationwide.
The vast majority of women who identify as Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and of other faiths have sex and use contraception at some point in their lives. Contraception is not controversial to real-life people. It only is when men in the far right repeat this ad nauseum. Let's stop repeating after them.
Stephen Colbert creates #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement hashtag in response to Sen. Kyl's remarks on Planned Parenthood; NRLC won't score the budget; Huckabee supports "heartbeat" bill; and Alan Simpson rails on GOP social conservatives.
Texas lawmakers are spending warm Texas weekends deciding whether autistic kids or poor women deserve more resources, while they pay crisis pregnancy counselors more than registered nurses.
Late last night, the details of the of the House Fiscal Year 2011 spending agreement were posted by House Republicans. Their chart appeared to completely zero out all activities of the CDC-NCHHSTP. Thankfully the news is not quite that bad.