
Supporting Family Planning Abroad: A Sound Investment for the US and a Way to Save Lives

Currently, more than 215 million women around the world want access to quality reproductive health care but don’t have it. Global investment in international reproductive health and voluntary family planning is one of the best ways to save maternal and infant lives, and build sustainable communities. But on a recent trip to Ethiopia, I saw firsthand how limited financial resources, inadequate systems and supply chains, and poor coordination often keep contraceptives from getting into the hands of those who desperately want and need them.

Why Poland’s Proposed Abortion Ban is a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme for the Medical Establishment and a Death Sentence for Women

The Polish Parliament is considering a total ban on abortions, with no exceptions for the life of women. Meanwhile, women remain without access to safe, legal abortion even under current exceptions; abuse of conscience clauses to deny women both contraception and abortion is rampant; and the medical establishment is making millions off of clandestine illegal abortion.