The defeat of Mississippi Initiative 26 may in the long run be seen as a Pyrrhic victory, given the ominous implications of Initiative 27 and voter IDs.
In a decisive and resounding victory in one of the most conservative states in the country, Mississippi voters defeated--by a margin of 57 percent to 43 percent as of this writing--the dangerous Initiative 26, which would have defined a fertilized egg as a person with full human rights.
An examination into what readers have to say about the research by Belgium sexologists that states it is possible to know a woman's experience and history of vaginal orgasm from the way she walks.
Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar of TLC's "19 & Counting" fame announced on TODAY they are expecting baby #20 - due in April 2012. The flip side of the Quiverfull ideal of "trusting the Lord with our family planning" which Jim Bob Michelle embrace and promote through their TV Reality show, website, and is that Michelle also accepts the possibility of her own or her baby's deaths, should such tragedy occur, as God's will.
I wonder if you can imagine what it feels like to be told, again and again, what it means to be a girl. You're not really a full human being: you're a sexualized baby-making organism who, once we are post-menopausal and no longer attractive, there really is no use for.
Corey Robin will help us understand the reactionary mind. Mississippi's personhood amendment is about to be voted on; what does it mean? Also, "The View" reacts poorly to the story of the TSA and a vibrator.
Perhaps the most interesting question in the juxtaposition of women’s rights (or gay rights, or ethnic minority rights) and democracy is not whether some people’s rights are sacrificed for popular rule (they are), but rather whether they should be as a matter of principle.