This week, millions of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a war-ravaged African country, voted in their second ever presidential and parliamentary election. As Congolese (and Egyptians) cast votes, they speak out for all rights.
Jed Lewison, writing at Daily Kos, nails it when he underscores what's wrong with the reasons the White House is now giving as it considers caving to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on coverage of birth control. The President and the White House staff, it seems, just do not get it.
Many of the historical problems with adoption came from the desire to keep it secret, to allow adoptive families to “pass” as traditional, biologically related families. Fully embracing openness is key to our efforts to keep improving adoption and placing further distance between its dark and coercive past and its hopeful future.
As a new allegation emerges against Republican Presidential hopeful, Herman Cain (this time of a long-term, extramarital affair), it is once again time for politicians to get a little sex education.
So, what have we got in this latest reproductive rights crisis? The one where the Catholic bishops and the President are debating and deciding what rights we American women will have? Well, sadly, ad nauseum, and once again, what we’ve got is no woman sitting at the decision-making table.
Christian Medical Association says that Ralph's Thriftway Pharmacy is within its rights to refuse to stock Plan B contraception. I'm sorry. Why are you in the pharmacy business again?
Fordham University prohibits the prescription of contraception at its health centers and the distribution of condoms on campus though many students aren't aware of that until they've paid for the school's insurance or visited the health center. Many are denied birth control even when facing health risks. This week, law students at the Catholic school are taking matters into their own hands by organizing a clinic just off-campus.
Servicewomen rely on the military for their health care, but under current policy they are left to fend for themselves if they become pregnant after being raped.
Merle Hoffman describes her many years working as a prominent abortion provider. Republican candidates clamor to be called "pro-life", but what does that really mean? Also: "The Walking Dead" fails basic biology.