
A Medical Student and Former Komen Affiliate Responds to the Foundation’s Recent Decision

I am a recent member of Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s Young Women’s National Advisory Council, a previous director of Stony Brook University School of Medicine’s chapter of Medical Students for Choice, and a future family medicine physician. I was incredibly disappointed by Susan G. Komen’s recent decision to end its funding of breast health programs at Planned Parenthood affiliates across the United States.

How Komen Flushed Their Brand in 24 Hours

I'd like to dissect how Komen for the Cure completely destroyed a brand 3 decades in the making and how they're now a different organization with a different future (if they even have one), whether they like it or not. My goal here is to help people understand this so you don't make the same mistakes.

STOKING FIRE: Millennials Stifled by Evangelical Doctrines

The results of a five-year study of the Millennial Generation—people born between 1982 and 1993—are in. We now know that conservative evangelical churches are losing formerly–affiliated “young creatives:” Actors, artists, biologists, designers, mathematicians, medical students, musicians, and writers. The report implies that once Millennials abandon evangelism, the barriers to progressive change can begin to crumble.