When Trump claims that women and their doctors are wrapping, rocking, and then cruelly executing babies, he is engaging in a complex narrative rhetoric designed to both titillate and mobilize those in power against those whom they hate.
Leaders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have tried to find a middle path on equality in recent years. But "compromise" can be a loaded word in Utah.
The Supreme Court decided this week to consider whether it will permit workplace discrimination against LGBTQ people. In doing so, the justices will have to wrestle with Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, the landmark 1989 case about gender stereotyping in the workplace.
The Washington State Senate's version of the legislation expands reproductive health coverage to undocumented people. The state house's version doesn't.
Catholic hospitals are supposed to follow religious directives that ban abortion, sterilization, and most contraception. But some of these facilities have found creative ways to get around the rules—until recently.
Sojourner Truth’s 1851 speech came to mind as I read recent articles highlighting the history of abortion storytelling while only citing the contributions of white women. We Testify storytellers of color have been talking about our multiple abortion experiences for years to try and change the stigma surrounding it.
In a letter sent to the Washington state Democratic house leadership, a pro-choice coalition withdrew its support for a new version of a reproductive rights bill.