A group of 11 Republicans, led by Orrin Hatch, has filed an amicus brief in support of Hobby Lobby’s ongoing effort to wiggle its way out of complying with the provision in the ACA's birth control provision.
Eighteen for-profit companies have filed lawsuits to overturn the birth control benefit in the Affordable Care Act, which requires that all insurance policies cover birth control without a co-pay as part of preventive care. These companies argue that including insurance coverage for birth control "violates their religious freedom." Here's a brief introduction to those companies and their cases.
A look at how chlamydia rates are up, especially in women, how Chicago Public Schools may start sex education in kindergarten, and why "not tonight, honey, I have a headache" may not be a wise excuse for some.
Citing new research showing that Texas' increased restrictions on abortion are negatively affecting women, family planning clinics, and abortion providers in the state, Rep. Jessica Farrar will file a bill this week to overturn the forced 24-hour waiting period.