If you really want there to be fewer abortions, you need there to be fewer unintended pregnancies, right? And yet anti-choice lawmakers from the state are trying to end a sex-ed program for at-risk youth.
In an unusual move, the full United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit has agreed to hear an appeal of an earlier ruling in the lawsuit brought by Hobby Lobby against the birth control benefit in the Affordable Care Act.
The science is in and has been for awhile: Emergency contraception prevents fertilization. But anti-choicers continue to push quack science asserting the opposite. Why?
On this episode of Reality Cast, I’ll be talking to Martha Bailey about her research showing how family planning access benefits families and children. The Supreme Court hears arguments about same-sex marriage, and Rush Limbaugh wildly misinterprets a Beyonce song, not that he’ll admit it.
All people deserve access to the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about their own health, including students at a Catholic university.
Reparative therapy, sometimes referred to as "praying away the gay," has been proven ineffective and harmful. But when questioned about a bill to ban the practice in New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie stumbled.
Is the Prop 8 case really about gender, as I keep hearing? It seems to me that no one really cares if two women are raising a child together, unless those two women are lesbians.
The case concerns whether Lt. Choi should serve up to six months of jail time or pay a fine of up to $5,000 for chaining himself to the White House fence in protest of the DADT policy in November 2010. Choi argues that since DADT has since been repealed, his charges should be dropped.