While the fee structure and amount is not unheard of, in a state where over a quarter of children live below the poverty line, spending $80,000 to pay experts to help defend a law designed to take health-care services away from poor people has been interpreted as particularly mean-spirited.
August 1 is the one-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act regulation requiring no cost-coverage of women’s preventive services—including contraception—going into effect. Now we can also celebrate the fact that Plan B One-Step is finally on store shelves across the country.
Anti-sodomy laws have been considered unconstitutional and unenforceable for a decade, but apparently no one told the sheriff of East Baton Rouge Parish, who has been setting up sting operations for years.
Actress Jenny McCarthy got more pushback for her anti-science statements on morning TV than most politicians do for making similarly discredited statements about reproductive health care.
The data suggest that 49 percent of adolescents who have been in a dating relationship have been victims of dating violence at least once in their lives and 46 percent have perpetrated it on a partner; emotional abuse seems to account for much of this.
This is the first year the program has operated without Planned Parenthood—which was kicked out of the Medicaid Women's Health Program last year—and entirely on the state's dime, without federal assistance.
Pointing out gender stereotypes in abstinence-only curricula got law professor Nina Pillard, who was nominated to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, in trouble with the Senate Judiciary Committee, but it's something we should talk about more often.
Attorneys for the State of Indiana have finally agreed to stop trying to lift a temporary injunction blocking a law designed to defund Planned Parenthood.
At World Youth Day in Brazil this year, I set out to get to know the audience Pope Francis would be addressing to find out their views on the Catholic Church’s teachings regarding sexuality, contraception, abortion, and homosexuality.