Religion Dispatches

Pastor David Brooks, Your Sermons Are Growing Stale…

The 'trustees of the First Church of American Religion' express concern over the approach of Times columnist David Brooks: You place religious practice and affiliation in the category of palliative resources for those being crushed by the new ruthless economy, whereas the religion usually referred to as prophetic—a form of religion we still regard as indispensable—sees faith as much more than a kind of backstop for those who suffer. 

Pope Francis Dithering About Women, Skittish About Cops

In continuing to oppose women's ordination the pope argues that something has to be revealed in order for it to be done; but that we don’t do it so it must not have been revealed. A cursory examination of change on Catholic views of the death penalty and usury make quick mincemeat of that argument. Revelation provides direction toward increased justice; it's not a checklist of historical givens.