HR 358, the bill which does anything but protect life, is on its way to a full vote in the House of Representatives where legislators can vote on whether a pregnant woman has more of a right to life than a provider has to his or her religious belief.
In the days leading to the November mid-term elections, the highly charged issues were government intervention in health care (ObamaCare), the soaring fiscal debt and the lack of jobs. Republicans promised that their first priorities were jobs, jobs and jobs. Next they would tackle health care by introducing a better plan for Americans. In the time that they have been in office, the only decisive action is ---- against women.
The "Protect Life" bill is not a debate; Can an iPhone catch you sinning?; Texas sonogram law moves forward; and Right Wing Watch brings you the men and women taking part in the Planned Parenthood smear and defunding campaign.
HIV exposed babies who don't contract the disease face greater danger from other diseases; Texas reels back a heinous abortion bill to be something minorly less heinous; Ohio Right to Life says no thanks to the "heartbeat" bill; and more Democratic Senators speak out against the wave of anti-woman, anti-health care mania that's swept the GOP.
From the “guerrilla activists” trying to take down Planned Parenthood to the state and federal legislators (from both parties) further restricting women’s access to abortion, 2011 has seen more assaults on women’s most fundamental rights yet – even more even under the Bush years. There are 3 anti-abortion federal bills and more than 200 state level bills restricting access to abortion (and cutting funds for birth control, cancer screenings and other basic care for women into the attacks for good measure). Many of the state-level bills pose fundamental challenges to Roe v. Wade, paving the way for Supreme Court challenges down the line. What we need is an outpouring of resistance to this assault on the humanity of women!
On Women's Equality Day we should consider the potential for jumpstarting climate negotiations and the green economy by strengthening women's leadership in these areas.
The same web site that claims reproductive health care providers lie to and manipulate women sends them to crisis pregnancy centers that provide inaccurate medical information.
Despite the introduction of thousands of new chemicals into the products we use every day, the Toxic Substances Control Act has undergone no revisions since 1976.