Engaging, mobilizing and building alliances on an issue like abortion can be an uphill climb. But as 2012 rolls in, we want to take a few minutes to remind you about why it is important and suggest a few ways you can go about this challenge.
The ACLU of Nebraska filed a federal lawsuit this week against the Cass County Sheriff and Jail Administrator for reckless disregard of a female immigrant sexually assaulted while in detention.
The FBI finally changed its defintion of rape, and while that may seem small, it has the capacity to change things for the better by quite a lot for a majority of rape victims and survivors.
While Romney is widely derided for his constantly changing political positions, it seems he is clear on one thing: Patriarchal order. No matter your situation, your health, your needs, or your aspirations, if you are a woman, you stay in your place, follow the rules and let men make the decisions. When it comes to making sure women play by the patriarchy's rules, at least we know Romney is consistent in one area.
A headline that is surely Onion-worthy, but Romney, Santorum and Gingrich have all decided the issue is important enough to pledge to commit to stricter enforcement of obscenity laws.
African countries are too often lumped together as one big composite of grave statistics and chronic epidemics. Because of this, it’s especially important that the global development and reproductive health communities recognize and amplify those success stories that can be told. Ethiopia is one of them.