Rush Limbaugh’s limp quasi-apology to Sandra Fluke isn’t good enough. Clear Channel Communications, the largest radio station owner in the US, should fire him and establish a precedent whereby media commentators understand that misogynistic language and attitudes are unacceptable and career-ending.
Nearly one year after post-election violence in Ivory Coast displaced one million and fostered brutal sexual violence, the country seems to be getting back on track and a new campaign seeks to end the acceptance of violence as "normal."
Opponents of birth control don’t just want to limit access in the U.S., they want to slash U.S. support for international family planning programs. It’s a perennial debate, and it’s about to start all over again
Nine sponsors have now dropped Rush Limbaugh after a spontaneous campaign aimed at his advertisers. But it's not enough to "suspend" advertising on the program, as some suggest they are doing. Limbaugh's advertisers need to commit to quit for good. And each of us needs to monitor these companies and commit to quit buying from them if they renew their support of Limbaugh.
Pictures worth 10,000 words... Virginia sends in riot police to arrest peaceful protestors supporting women's rights. Apparently, they can occupy your uterus, but you can't occupy your state capitol.
Rush Limbaugh "apologizes" for his tirades against Sandra Fluke by suggesting that the only real problem is that he didn't use better euphemisms when accusing 99 percent of American women of being sexually deviant because they use contraception.