This year, the Back Up Your Birth Control campaign is addressing the lies head-on. Our theme is as simple as it is scientifically accurate: EC=BC. EC is a form of birth control. There is no controversy here, and the scientific and medical communities are unanimous. EC=BC.
I support abortion rights because I want keep my options safe and legal so I can continue running down my biological clock. All potentially child-bearing persons have the right to chart their own life course, at whatever age.
Age of consent laws are meant to protect young people from exploitation by adults but in too many instances they send 18-year-old boys to jail for having consensual sex with their 15-year-old girlfriends. The boys then end up on sex offender registries for life along side rapists and pedophiles. Should we really be legislating teen sex?
Anti-choice extremists are at it again. Not to be outdone by Catholic bishops, Flip Benham’s Operation Save America has teamed up with Go Stand Speak, LifeLink, Jeremiah Cry Ministries, Personhood USA, and Repent America to make five states abortion “refuges.”
Recent comments by Wisconsin Rep. Don Pridemore, combined with his attacks on single mothers, gave us pause as to whether Mr. Pridemore really understood that women are individual human beings with basic human rights, or if he really takes that Adam's rib thing literally. His response to a woman protesting his comments suggests it may be the latter.
A new documentary about female superheroes is a must-see. Limbaugh's defenses of himself are remarkably weak, and Santorum expands his war on sex to porn and masturbation.
A new documentary about female superheroes is a must-see. Limbaugh's defenses of himself are remarkably weak, and Santorum expands his war on sex to porn and masturbation.