At Netroots Nation congressional candidate Darcy Burner encouraged the Left to being playing offense on the War of Women by supporting women who tell their abortion stories, but challenging the cultural narrative about abortion shouldn't be a burden that rests solely on the sholders of women who have had them.
Tonight's 16 & Pregnant will feature an abortion storyline. Use hashtag #16andloved to show support and solidarity to Brittany, Briana and their family.
Facebook has deleted an image from the page of Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, a well-known abortion rights activist and the Director of Women on Waves – a charitable organization focused on women’s health and human rights. The image consisted of text instructions of how to safely induce an abortion using medication.
After sharing my personal experience with abortion on the MTV documentary “No Easy Decision” I began receiving emails, facebook messages and texts from women I barely knew. These discussions always start the same way, “Can I ask you a question?”
Candidates vying for the Republican nomination love to talk about their respect for human life whenever they get the chance. Last night on CNN Mitt Romney threw in his own unsolicited quip about unborn life while talking about health care reform. While seemingly harmless, what I heard was, "We're taking away your birth control!" Here's why.