
How Censorship of the Word “Vagina” by the Michigan House of Representatives Is Related to Child Sexual Abuse

By censoring Rep. Lisa Brown's use of the word "vagina," lawmakers in Michigan are sending a powerful message to young people that certain things (and body parts) are so shameful adults can't even hear about them.  It is just this attitude that creates environments where years of abuse - like what is being alleged in the trial of Jerry Sandusky - can go on in silence.

Rio+20 Agreement Fails Women, and the World

During meetings to finalize the Rio+20 document, Heads of State will adopt in the next few days at Rio+20, delegates agreed on a plan short on vision and big on compromises, including trading away women's rights to placate the Vatican, Egypt, and Syria.

Stories of Oppression in China Highlight Need to Empower Women

Horrifying reports of a woman forced to have an abortion draw attention yet again to the dangers of China’s one-child policy. All champions of human rights must openly condemn China’s one-child policy and the illegal practices of forced abortion and coerced birth control reported in some localities. The continued oppression of Chinese families through coercive reproductive policies must end.