This year’s New York State legislative session has ended, and by failing to vote on and pass the “no condoms as evidence of prostitution” bill, lawmakers missed an opportunity to be national and global leaders in ensuring that counterproductive policing and prosecuting practice does not compromise disease prevention and public health.
Newly released documents show Texas Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Seuhs instructed his staff to try to create new abortion reporting requirements that would please one anti-choice legislator--and also "not be offensive to women."
We are witnessing the rebirth of Christian religious fundamentalism in America, and the “Fortnight for Freedom” is a manifestation of the intolerance and repressiveness that grow out of such extremist movements.
The bishops' recent actions show that they believe in unlimited freedom for themselves, but only the freedom they are willing to allow for the rest of us.
After nearly 20 years, the anti-choice members of the Alaska legislature has made it clear that they trust physicians willing to give abortions about as much as they trust women willing to get them.
Many of the objections to the Affordable Care Act after the Supreme Court decision make no sense if you know what's actually in the bill. Without more explanations, it's hard to avoid feeling like opponents are just making stuff up.