"Abortion exceptions" are human rights violations and bad public health policy. Any administration that banned abortion "with exceptions" would force every single woman who needs an abortion to live a nightmare scenario: hope that you qualify and can actually get an abortion, or be denied access altogether. Today, all over the country, many women are already living that nightmare.
It seems they can't help themselves. One after another, not inconsequentially right-wing, white, male politicians continue to pontificate on the choices women should, and should not, be able to make in the aftermath of a rape. For John Koster, that is in the aftermath of "the rape thing."
It seems outlandish to claim that the Catholic bishops' own crusade against contraception is anti-Catholic. Still, arguments that this position is anti-Catholic seem not only well-founded but reasonable, whereas the Catholic bishops' incessant interfering in American women's lady-business is spectacularly unreasonable.
Last week's episode of Parks and Recreation took on the ridiculousness of abstinence-only-until-marriage policies. Between jokes about old people having sex and mushy bananas, the episode provided some good information and made important points about the sex education debate.