A colleague of ours working in the Texas legislature and wishing to remain anonymous has sent a report detailing efforts to eliminate funding for birth control in the state.
Many mothers are hurt by stigma and that stigma diminishes our access to choices and opportunities that prevent mothers, families and communities from thriving
"Pro-family" group, Focus on the Family is shifting away from opposing same-sex marriage and instead focusing on making it more difficult to obtain a divorce. Does anyone else think this is scary? ...
My dear politicians: I will not ask you to give me my rights. I already have my rights. I know my rights. You do not tell me what they are. I tell YOU. You will NOT deny me or my sisters the right to a medical procedure.
Planned Parenthood's Kathi DiNicola gives us the rundown on the situation in South Dakota. Florida legislators attack medical rights from a new, hypocritical perspective, and social conservatives continue not to do as they say.
It happens frequently when I meet someone new. We each say what work we do, and then he or she says, “You are a man. Why are you interested in family planning?”