The U.S. Catholic bishops want to be known as the champions of the poor and struggling. But they're happy to block services to the needy to further their anti-contraception agenda.
A recent proposal by a Texas state senator that would mandate pre-abortion adoption counseling has given reproductive justice advocates a unique opportunity to show what real, meaningful adoption industry reform could look like.
On Wednesday, National Advocates for Pregnant Women announced a lawsuit has been filed challenging a Wisconsin law that allows law enforcement to take pregnant women into custody against their will to "protect a fetus."
One of the many services and programs to be shuttered during the shutdown is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, which helps low-income pregnant women and parents with young children facing nutritional risk by providing vouchers for healthy foods and infant formula.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined union leaders in celebration of the official launch of the Affordable Care Act, and laid the government shutdown at the feet of Republicans.
The Supreme Court announced Tuesday it would consider the scope of a federal law that prohibits individuals convicted of domestic violence from owning firearms.
Even with the Affordable Care Act in place, Black women will still be plagued by the chronic stress that comes with simply being Black in the United States.