Texas Gov. Rick Perry continues to refuse a federal Medicaid expansion, leaving an estimated one million working Texans without access either to Medicaid or federal insurance subsidies.
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan dances to the bishops’ tune in shutdown and debt limit fights, refusing to compromise because he wants "leverage" to curtail Obamacare contraceptive benefit.
The Texas Republicans who defunded Planned Parenthood and kicked the provider out of the state's low-income women's health program are now trying to fix their mistake with a benefit concert.
A new book questions the list of rules—from skipping the bar to avoiding deli meat—that most pregnant people are given during their first prenatal visit. Emily Oster, an economist, looks at the research and suggests many rules are based on caution rather than data. But many experts question her credentials.
Certain non-physician medical professionals will now be allowed to perform first-trimester abortions in the state, while abortion facilities will no longer be singled out to adhere to certain facility standards.
A proposed ban on abortion after 20 weeks in Albuquerque, New Mexico, would be "unconstitutional and unenforceable," the state's attorney general said Wednesday in a letter to a city council member.
A case in Wisconsin further illustrates the recent trend of states policing pregnant women in the name of fetal rights, and it would appear the U.S. Catholic bishops had a role in the federal government shutdown.